Tuesday, September 09, 2008

What's in YOUR drink?

Joshua came home from his best friend, Bryson's house one day a while back and asked if we could make a fresh fruit smoothie. Apparently, Bryson's Mom made one for them, and Joshua loved it! And us, never being ones to deny our children a request to eat fresh fruits – agreed to make a stop at the store to get the ingredients. Frozen strawberries (unsweetened), blueberries, bananas and some apple juice (we add less than a cup of juice to make 4 glasses of the smoothie).

First off, in 1998, the FDA confirmed that frozen fruits and vegetables provide the same essential nutrients and health benefits as fresh…just in case you were wondering (Man, how does he know this stuff???). Moving on…

“Get to the point will ya’!?!?!” Ok, Ok…for the past couple of months, we’ve been having the smoothies regularly (not every night, but at least three times a week) and we add a tablespoon of milled flaxseed to each cup. The point is, our kids (and adults included) are having a healthy “snack/dessert”. Most know of all the nutritional benefits of the ingredients (the vitamins, the fiber, the antioxidants, omega 3’s, etc.), but in case you didn’t here’s some references.


So, if your kids won’t eat fruits and/or veggies but will eat the fruit popsicles, this might be an alternative.

Just FYI – we buy frozen strawberries (about $6-$7 for a big bag, and frozen blueberries). Easy to store, easy to make. Enjoy!!!

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