Tuesday, September 02, 2008


Last weekend, Joshua's team, the Celtics played in their final game of the season. The Celtics beat their opponents once before this season, but we all knew that it was for championship and that this would be a very exciting game. I'm happy and proud to say that the Celtics won!

It was a very close game in the first 4 periods (they play 5). The other team was playing very good defense, especially on Joshua! Because they remembered that Joshua was our sharp shooter,their coach was prepared. Although Joshua is the smallest kid on the team, the opponents had him on lock-down! He was double-teamed and at times, triple teamed for the whole entire game! Basically, Lance said Joshua was the "decoy" for that game. Since the other team was focused so much on shutting Joshua down, they left 2 or 3 players wide open.

The Celtics ended up winning the game by 15 points! It was a great game! Congratulations to Coach Lance and his 3rd/4th grade Celtics, summer champions!

Next up, the Recreational Tournament of Champions!

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