Friday, July 11, 2008

Wisdom for FREE!!!!

Did you know you have the wisdom of the world available to you? You do, and have since 1803. And, it's FREE!!!

And for the past (probably) 15 years or so, I never took advantage of it.

I'm talking about the public library. The first free public library in the United States, was established in 1803.

My last memory of the public library was a small place and bunch of shelves lined with books and smelling funny and dusty.

My how things have changed...

This is a snapshot of the inside of the newest library in Lincoln,CA.

You can now checkout DVD's (all kinds and genres), audio CD's (music, and audio books), there's self-checkout, computers for internet browsing, they even have protable DVD players w/headphones to sit and watch the movies, online renewal and OH SO MUCH MORE!! Oh, and then there's the books...

About a month ago, we took the kids to get their very own library card and check out some books, since we were starting our own summer reading program at home (more on that later). To set the example (and because we were required to), Cyndee and I both got our own card.
After Joshua and Jayden chose some books (I think 8 or 9 between them), the librarian showed them how they could check out their own books. Of course, they were excited about that - and to have their very own card too!! It was a neat process and a great indication of how times have changed.

I was amazed at the things they have and do at the libraries these days, and made me wonder "how long has this been going on? "and "How did I miss this (as a parent)?" The library in Lincoln also offers story time for the young ones, as well as movie nights for the youg kids and teens.

I even perused the audio book section and know I will be back to checkout either a book or audio book. Joshua and Jayden have already been back and have checked out another 10 or so books.

I encourage all to look into the library in your area and the things they have to offer. It doesn't cost a thing - and you move into the 3% of people that have a library card (the key is using it).

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