Tuesday, July 22, 2008

13 Wonderfully Happy Years...

13 years ago, Lance and I said our "I Dos"... I love the life that Lance and I have built together. I love our marriage and commitment to each other. I love the beautiful family that we created. I love the foundation we set, the dreams that we share, and the goals we have accomplished. I love our little inside jokes that only we get. I love the laughter in our household. I love the "I love yous" we say and hear each and everyday. I love planning for our future and knowing that together we can accomplish any and everything we want to.

I am truly blessed and thankful! Everyday is a blessing!

1 comment:

LMJ said...

AWWWW i totally love ur entry... it is sooo romantic! not to mention cute! Good to hear yall still in ur honeymoon stage too. hahahah