Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Hard Work Pays Off & Practice Is The Key...

It was hours before tipoff, and on TV...there was Lebron James hitting 10-for-10 against the Bulls in the first period. As every shot dropped, Joshua would yell "Oh my gosh!!!!!". It was a sign of things to come.

As a coach, I can see the potential in every child. The sad thing is, they have to practice and work hard to unleash it or that potential is wasted. Also as a coach, I want to see that potential come out...with each game I think "will this be the game?". As a parent, I want to see my kids succeed at EVERYTHING. When it comes to sports, I want them to be competitive. They don't have to BE the best, just DO their best. The one challenge Joshua has had in his (a little over a) year of playing basketball has been being aggressive - on offense and defense. As a parent, I wondered if it would ever happen. As a coach, I was waiting for it to happen.

From our previous blog entries, you know about Joshua's (and Jayden's) desire for basketball, and Joshua has practiced a lot since first starting in the winter of 2007.

Friday evening was our spring session opener. Just coming off of a "O-fer" and another not-so aggressive winter session, there was a lot to be desired.

"I am going to dominate" were Joshua's words. We had heard them before, and always encourage him to set goals and be confident. But would this be the game? Joshua has always been a good "student", so I preach defense and how the other player cannot score without the ball, and how easy layups come from steals, and how broken up passes that lead to baskets for his team are just as good as him scoring the basket. Did it sink in? Only have we seen glimpses of aggressiveness - until now.

From the tipoff, Joshua was on his man like "white on rice", "like a bad smell", like he was his shadow. He did not let his man breathe. With that he caused turnovers, which led to baskets. Aggressivenss on defense was looking good - how about offense? Two shots - normally ones he makes - two misses. Coach (that's me) calls him over on a dead ball. The advice? "Take a breath, stay agressive on defense, the shots will fall. Relax."

First half - 0 points.
  • Second half begins, and again Joshua puts his man on "lockdown", so much so you could see fear in his (the opposing players) face...steal...open layup...and bucket.
  • Set up off the free throw line extended, a step inside of the three-point line, jumper...swish! (Dad's getting a little excited at this point)
  • Set up in the same corner, closer in from the last shot, jumper...swish. Will someone guard this guy?
  • Missed shot, Joshua makes his way to grab the rebound, puts it right back up...another bucket. Smallest guy on the court, playing amongst the trees!!!
  • Set up in the deep corner -again a step inside three point territory, man flying at him...jumper...knocked over, foul called...SWISH!!! AND ONE!!!!!! (At this point, dad wanted to chest bump everyone in sight, but I am the coach and had to maintain some sort of integrity).
Joshua swishes the free throw, but refs don't count it on account of him hitting 5 shots in a row, us being up by 20 and the game totally in our control (which means I don't know why they didn't count it, because they should have, but didn't).

Joshua's final line: 5-7 shots, 10 points, 2 assists, 2 steals, 3 rebounds and a whole game of agressiveness!!!!

Of course Joshua couldn't stop talking about his game (and still can't), and neither could mom and dad. Even Jayden was clapping for his big brother! What excitement!! Congratulations to Joshua on his "breakout" game - we're all proud of him!!!

Now, let's go out and do it again!!!! (That's the coach in me.)

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