Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back In The Game...

Lance is officially "back in the game. What game you may ask? Basketball of course! He might as well, he coaches, both boys are playing, why not add himself in the mix?

He's playing at the Hardwood Palace (the place that Joshie and Jayden play at) in the Men's D Division. Supposedly, it's for the guy who wants to just have fun, run around, get some exercise, and get back into it.

His team has played in 4 games and so far they are 2 and 2. He's having a great time and that's the main thing. The team is doing well especially since most of them haven't played competitively in years! We were trying to figure out when Lance played last and we believe it was back in 2000!

Do you think we can add anymore basketball into our lives? Between Joshie and Jayden's practices, games, and now Lance's games, we practically live basketball! I have to admit, it is a lot of fun!

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