Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Joshua's First Official Training Session

On Sunday, we met Curtis and his son at a gym in Rocklin where Joshua had his first session. It lasted about an hour and a half. Curtis worked Joshua out really hard! It was constant running, dribbling, shooting, footwork drills, ball handling drills, and so on. He focused all on fundamentals...all the things Lance loves and would love to integrate into his own practices.

Needless to say, Lance and I were very impressed with Curtis' training session. Joshua fully enjoyed it. Even though he was huffing and puffing, sweating, and a little sore, he had a blast! He said he loved it and can't wait to go again!

Joshua is so lucky and we are so thankful and grateful to Curtis for offering his services to Joshua. What a blessing!We're so excited for Joshua and the experience, knowledge, and strength he will gain from his new mentor, Curtis. Again, what a huge honor and privilege it is to have this great opportunity for Joshua to have quality one on one training with a pro like Curtis!

We'll keep you posted.

I just realized something, in a recent entry, I asked if you thought we'd be able to add anymore basketball into our lives...we just did! In addition to two weekly practices for the boys, two weekly games on Saturdays, Lance's weekly games on Sundays, now we'll have training for Joshua 2-3 times a week with Curtis! Wow! That's a lot of basketball!

Friday, January 25, 2008

Joshua's Mentor

Last Thursday at basketball practice, while Jayden was on the court with his team, Joshua went to another court to shoot around. When I looked up, I noticed that he was shooting with a father and son. As usual, Joshua was swishing all of his shots in a friendly game of HORSE and a free throw contest.

After a while, the father, Curtis approached me, introduced himself and asked if Joshua was taking any basketball trainings, how long he's been playing, how old he was and so on. Curtis told me that Joshua is a great shooter and has LOTS of potential. Apparently, Curtis used to offer some training sessions at the Hardwood Palace but got out of it for various reasons. He didn't like the fact that they charged so much for the extra trainings. He felt that if you have the knowledge,experience and the desire to want to teach kids, why charge? He mentioned the fact that when he was growing up, all of the camps and trainings he attended were all free of charge and felt that this is how it should be.

Curtis played Pac-10 College ball for Oregon. Obviously he has the skill, knowledge, heart, and experience.

He went on to say that he trains with his 5th grade son and opens it up for kids who he sees has that "potential". His son is a great player, we've seen him play in the past and it's obvious that he has the skill. Curtis works with a small group of hand-picked kids.

Hundreds of kids are at the Hardwood Palace each week and Curtis said there are only just a couple here and there that he sees who stand out in the crowd and last week, it happened to be Joshua! What a great honor!

Curtis has a full-time job and commutes to and from Stockton and yet he chooses to train 3 to 4 times per week. That evening, Lance and I both talked to Curtis, exchanged numbers and planned to meet up with him on the weekend to have Joshua try it out.

I'll post a new entry after the training session. I have a feeling that it'll be a great experience. We are all looking forward to it.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Back In The Game...

Lance is officially "back in the game. What game you may ask? Basketball of course! He might as well, he coaches, both boys are playing, why not add himself in the mix?

He's playing at the Hardwood Palace (the place that Joshie and Jayden play at) in the Men's D Division. Supposedly, it's for the guy who wants to just have fun, run around, get some exercise, and get back into it.

His team has played in 4 games and so far they are 2 and 2. He's having a great time and that's the main thing. The team is doing well especially since most of them haven't played competitively in years! We were trying to figure out when Lance played last and we believe it was back in 2000!

Do you think we can add anymore basketball into our lives? Between Joshie and Jayden's practices, games, and now Lance's games, we practically live basketball! I have to admit, it is a lot of fun!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Jayden's Youtube Debut Video

Here's the official link to view Jayden's youtube video. Here you can view it in full screen. Enjoy!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Presenting..."Air" Jayden

Check out this video featuring Jayden in his Hotshots basketball debut. The very first game of his career...8 points for our little shooting guard! Press play, turn your speakers on, and enjoy!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jayden's First Basketball Game

Last Saturday, Jayden played in his very first basketball game for the Hotshots league. He was so excited to play. The moment that he stepped onto the court, he just couldn't hold back his smile. He was so happy to be there.

Out of the 5 shots he took, he made 4 of them. Can you believe it? He scored 8 points in his first game! Although his division is non-competitive and scores are not kept, Jayden was keeping his own stats.

Just imagine, teams consisting of preschoolers and kindergarteners. Uniforms that are oversized for most, players who can barely dribble or reach the 8 ft. high baskets, and players who carry the ball across the court! It was hilarious!

Jayden did really well with his ball handling, passing, and of course shooting! He was incredible!

He can't wait for his next game...neither can we!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

More On Coach Lance

The winter league of Hotshots is now in session. Lance will be coaching his fourth season of basketball. In addition to coaching Joshua's 3rd/4th grade PAC division (the highest division in his league), he will also be coaching Jayden's team, Pre-K/Kindergarten.

Each session of basketball, Lance continues to get praise from parents who enjoy his coaching attitude, knowledge, and enthusiasm. Many parents request Lance to be their child's coach and this session was a big one. He had about 14 players requesting him but he could only take 10 players total.

He's lucky and always ends up with great boys/girls with wonderful supportive parents. This session is no different.

What Lance is excited about is the fact that Joshua's team was placed in the highest competitive division in their grade level. Most likely, the competitors will be mostly AAU teams and/or fourth graders. Our team is on the small size, but Lance feels confident in the boys and I am confident in his coaching ability.

Let's Go Warriors (Joshie's team) and Pistons (Jayden's team)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Introducing Corinne Milla!!

Here she is, baby Corinne Milla courtesy of proud new Mommy and Daddy (Jovi and Brad).

What a cutie! Can't wait to see her in person!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Coach Lance's 1st Ever "Skillz Camp"...

Two days after Christmas, Lance put on a 2-day, 3-hour long basketball camp for 16 kids. Most of the campers were boys who are on Lance's current team or who have played for him in the past. With the exception of my niece and nephew and two other boys, all campers have played competitively before.

The camp was filled with fun, important fundamentals, drills, contests and games. Lance had everything under control and was very well organized. He had an assistant coach (Greden's Dad, Brian) who filled in and helped out. At the end of the camp, we supplied a pizza party and gave out awards and recognition.

All of the kids seemed to have enjoyed themselves and I got a lot of positive feedback from parents.

It was a positive experience for all involved, including the kids, coach, and parents who observed.

Out of all of the many basketball camps that Joshie and Jayden have taken in the past, I'd have to honestly say that Coach Lance's Skillz Camp was by far the best camp they ever took. I know I know what you're thinking, "it was better than Bibby's camp?"...Well...minus Bibby it was definitely the best one...okay, okay...even with Bibby it was still the best one!

What can I say, Lance is just the most fun, most positive, enthusiastic, well-liked, and respected youth coach out there. He teaches the kids important values and skills while making sure that he remains positive and energetic. His knowledge and love for the game comes out during his coaching sessions and the kids seem to really soak it up.

I guarantee that this won't be the end of Coach Lance's Skillz camps for sure...more of his camps are yet to come! All campers be ready to sign up and fast!

Sunday, January 06, 2008

A Healthy Christmas Break

This year was the first Christmas celebration in a while where all the kids were healthy. If you recall, last year, our household was hit hard with some type of a stomach virus, including being rushed to emergency for dehydration etc.

Before Donnie, Lisa, Alex, and Marisa arrived from Colorado Springs, they came down with something. But, by the time they arrived here, they were all better!

It was a nice Christmas, however we did miss Lance's sister and family and my other brother, Kevin and his family.
Santa made his stop at our house again and as always, the boys were bombarded with gifts galore. The majority of their gifts this year were pretty much all basketball related: jerseys, autographed cards, trading cards, books, posters, prints, games, video games and so on.
We hope that you all enjoyed your Christmas celebration with your family and loved ones as much as we did!

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year...Hauoli Maka Hiki Hou!!!

Happy 2008 to you all! Here's to a brand new year filled with love, health, prosperity, success, fond memories, and fun!