Tuesday, November 10, 2009


In October, we officially sold our house in Lincoln and moved to Rocklin. We had a great experience in Lincoln for the past 7 years and loved our home. However, there were more important things at stake and the reason for our move was to get our boys into the Rocklin unified school district. We knew that we'd end up in Rocklin eventually. Originally our goal was to get to Rocklin before Joshua started 6th grade. However, things happened and we made the decision to just get out to Rocklin sooner than later. Honestly, we had know idea that we'd sell our house that quickly. We put it up at the end of June and closed escrow at the end of October!

Joshua and Jayden weren't being challenged to the best of their ability and I worried that there wasn't enough in Lincoln academically for our boys. They both had great teachers at some point who did challenge their needs, but then there were some who didn't challenge them. In fact, before we left Lincoln, Joshua was informally appointed the assistant teacher. He would go outside during class time to test the kids in math, sometimes correct papers and even log grades into the log book. Although Joshua loved being a helper, I felt that it was inappropriate for him to be responsible for other students and teaching them things when he should have been learning things himself.

It was challenging and sometimes stressful with the selling of our home, offers falling through etc., awful nightmare movers, and so on...but it was all worth it because now we're in a great house in Rocklin and at an amazing school. So it all worked out for the best as it always does and we're very thankful.

Next post: The New School.

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