Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

To all the moms and grandmoms out there...thank you. To my mom, thank you. For bringing me into this world. For keeping food in my belly, a roof over my head and clothes on my back. Noone can underestimate the power of the feeling of clean underwear! For doing the laundry, for cleaning the house, for paying my insurance (when I was at home), for putting me through college. For being at my basketball games (even when I sat the bench), and baseball games, and standing in the rain at my soccer games. I realize (now with kids of my own) that it was hard work (and with three kids - 3 times the work), so I do appreciate everything about you and what you have done (and still do) for me and us. Thank you & I love you.

To my wife,

There's not enough words to express my appreciation and love for you and what you do for our family. For being small in stature, you have BIG shoulders to carry this family on your back like you have. You do so much for us that you often times forget to take care of yourself. Our two boys are your number one priority and anyone who knows them can tell what an unbelieveable job you have done in raising them. I say you, because you are home with them while I am away. You help them with their homework (probably best, for their sake), cook for them, get them ready for school, take them to school, pick them up from school, volunteer in the classroom, keep the house clean, keep our clothes clean (underwear too!) and too many other things to list. And you do it with a smile and more often than not, an encouraging word. I love you.

I have never been happier or more excited about our future! Often times, I feel I am living a dream life, because our life is what I had always pictured...a happy, loving family with goals for the future. Seems simple...but I can honestly say, I am surrounded by a truly "happy to the core" family. Our two boys are courteous, well-mannered, well behaved kids that are always expressing their happiness - whether it be through happy drawings and words written, or through their singing and jumping around the house (while shooting a basketball, of course), or just their constant laughing, giggling and smiling! What more could I ask for?? And I attribute it to you. You encourage them to go for their dreams, never tell them they can't do this or that, you stretch their imagination and their minds, but the biggest thing of all you do for them? You love them. Unconditionally. Period.

Ask them "who runs the house?" and it's "mommy". Ask them "who's always right?" and it's "mommy". Ask them the most important person in their lives (that doesn't play basketball) and it's "mommy". The words "I Love You" are spoken EVERY DAY in our house, most importantly it is the last thing they (and we) hear before they (and we) go to bed. And that is one BIG thing you are responsible for in our family - love.

While I am sure there are MANY, MANY things I have not thanked you for - just know that I appreciate you each day and EVERYTHING you do. I am eternally thankful to have you in our lives, and please know I am working each day to become a better person, partner and father - though I need a lot of work to get to your level. Thank you for our 12 years of wonderful marriage - and I am lookig foward to an incredible future!!! Thank you for fulfilling my life emotionally and spiritually. I love you to the moon and back...

- Lance

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