Wednesday, July 18, 2007

16 Glorious Days!

We spent 16 days in Honolulu. This was the first time going back home when we didn't have an weddings, birthdays, funerals, etc. It was a real vacation. Thanks to Aunty Mimi who graciously let us stay with her again. We shopped, ate, shopped, visited family, shopped, hung out with my friends, went to the beach, shopped some more, and went to some familiar/favorite spots like Sea Life Park, aquarium, and Kokonuts...a shave ice place in Koko Marina that we went to practically everyday! Did I mention that we did a little shopping? Haha. Oh, I guess I did.

We spent quality time with my Grandma, my aunty, my cousins Ryan and Seiji, the Muramotos, Laus, Leongs, Nagahiros, Matsuuras, and the Ibaras. Also went to a fabulous lunch at the Prince Court restaurant located in the Hawaii Prince Hotel with Uncle Shiro and Aunty Irma...thank you again for the ono lunch!

We actually brought our Wii with us on this trip and the boys challenged Seiji, Ryan, Marc, Linda, and Aunty Mimi. Although Seiji already had the Wii, we know Marc and Aunty are fighting for the next available Wii sold in Hawaii!!

It was a terrific trip back home! The boys as usual didn't want to come back to California and begged us to stay for 3 more months!! I wish we could stay there for 3 more months too! Thank you to all of my family and friends who made time for us and made this trip back home so absolutely wonderful and memorable. See you next year!!
To view photos from our trip click on this link:

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