Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Play Ball!!!

Saturday was Joshie's Opening Day for baseball...it was a long day at the park, and Mother Nature cooperated beautifully. The day started off at 8am with opening day ceremonies. This started with a parade of all the baseball teams (and softball teams) on floats that each team decorated. All players were on their "floats" throwing candy to the onlookers (good thing for us, as this kept Jayden busy and he SCORED BIG TIME - with candy coming out of his ears!!). Next up was team introductions, and then lunch. After lunch, we headed back to the field for Joshie's first game against the pitching machine (actually it was against the Mud Cats).
Don't even know what the score was, but Joshie did great! His first game hitting against the machine, and dude was 2 for 2!!! We're very proud of you Joshie!!!!

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