Sunday, February 25, 2007

Please Pray for Uncle Shiro...

Most of you know about my Uncle Shiro's terrible ordeal. To recap, several months ago he was brutally attacked in broad daylight while walking back to his condo in Waikiki. It seemed as though it was just a random act of cruel violence. The suspect just approached Uncle and punched him in the face, knocked him down and started beating him. A lady who was walking saw this and screamed which scared off the attacker. Then, a jogger ran and got help. After all of these months, the police never did catch the guy who did this to him. To make matters even worse, my Uncle has been suffering physically in many ways and has been in exruciating pain. It seemed as though he was getting better until, this weekend. He ended up in the hospital yet again. The doctors found bleeding on both sides of the brain. Hopefully, the blood will get reabsorbed but if not, another surgery may be necessary. Another cat scan will probably be done in about a week once he sees the neurosurgeon again on Wednesday.

Please continue to keep Uncle Shiro in your thoughts and prayers. Also, please keep my Aunty Irma in your thoughts and prayers too. Thank you.

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