Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As we approach Thanksgiving, I wonder how many people TRULY are taking note of the blessings in their lives. Are they worried about how to pay for Christmas, how they can get around the holiday traffic, how to cope with the stress of the holidays, or when they are going to get their shopping done?

Unfortunately, I think that with the "commercialization" of Christmas, I think Thanksgiving is often overlooked. Christmas lights are up before Thanksgiving hits, right after Haloween ends, Christmas displays go up, and the advertising begins.

So, just for those of you who didn't know, I've included some facts about this "forgotten holiday".

Take some time to relect on what you have in front of you right now.

I have been blessed with a wonderful family, and an outstanding family life. I am thankful to have a roof over our heads, clothing on our backs, and food on the table. I am thankful for all of the laughter we have shared, and for the fact the we do everything as a family. These among lots of other things I am thankful this is just the start of my list of things I am thankful for.

Here are some facts about Thanksgving...

The First American Holiday

1621: The first American holiday, Thanksgiving, was celebrated in Plymouth. Plymouth, America’s first colony, is now Plymouth Massachusetts. The Thanksgiving consisted of 50 Pilgrim settlers and 90 Wampanoag Indians, including their Chief, Massasoit. They shared a feast of fowl (could have been turkeys as they are native to America), deer and crops from their fields. They gave thanks to their Creator because after landing at Plymouth Rock in 1620, they had survived a very harsh winter. Sadly, half of them had succumbed to disease and cold.

1777: The first time Thanksgiving was celebrated by all 13 states (colonies) was when the Continental Congress declared a day of thanksgiving because the British were defeated at Saratoga.

1817: The Governors of New York and Pennsylvania made Thanksgiving an official state holiday. A few years later, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois and Iowa did the same.

1846: A very determined lady, Sarah Hale, began a crusade for a nationwide Thanksgiving holiday.

1863: Abraham Lincoln heeded Sarah Hale's request to create a federal holiday, and made the last Thursday in November, a day of Thanksgiving.

2008: America will have celebrated 387 years of Thanksgivings. We are currently experiencing a temporary 'bump in our economic road', but we are still the most blessed nation in the world. And we have much to be thankful for …

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Joshua's Career High

Last weekend before Joshua's basketball game, he set a goal for himself. He verbally stated that he would get 18 points and 5 assists.

Setting goals, visualizing and truly believing in one's self is something I was taught at a very young age and something I continue to do today. Now, that I'm a Mommy, I've told both boys to always set goals and work hard and they'd be able to accomplish anything they set their minds to.

That night, Joshua had exactly 18 points and 5 assists! In this league, most kids will average 5 or less points per game. Can you believe it? Joshua is an awesome shooter for sure and although he usually takes the outside shots, 9 out of 10 shots made were inside shots. He drove in on all 9 shots and made them! Amazing...simply, amazing. So, that night he shot 90%. He's the smallest player on the team and everything, but obviously, size doesn't matter. It was such an exciting game to watch. Joshua's team ended up squashing their opponents 47 to 7!

This weekend is the play-off game and Joshua's team, the Celtics are still undefeated. Wish us luck!

Super Students...A+!!!

I just attended Joshua and Jayden's 1st trimester Parent-Teacher conferences and as usual, both boys had great grades and remarks from their teachers. They are each at the top of their classes. The teachers had nothing but positive things to say and told me that the boys had nothing to improve on. Wow!

We're so proud of you both, Joshie and Jayden! Keep up the tremendous work ethic that you have and you'll always be successful!

Monday, November 03, 2008

Jango Fett says...Happy Halloween!

Although Jayden would've preferred to shave his head bald and go as Michael Jordan, he settled for Jango Fett instead. For those of you who don't know, Jango Fett is Boba Fett's Father in Attack of the Clones (Star Wars).

Joshua didn't want to dress up or go trick or treating this year. Now that he has braces,he knew he wouldn't be able to eat all of his favorite candies: caramels, skittles, and starbursts, so he decided not to go at all.

Hope you all had a fun Halloween!

Here's Joshua and his new braces just put in last Tuesday. He has an expander in his mouth that rapidly expands his palette. It's a metal contraption in the roof of his mouth where I have to insert a tiny key and turn everyday for 4 weeks. He has 3 brackets (braces) on his top 3 adult teeth (the orthodontist will add one more bracket once his 4 top adult tooth comes in). At the end of the month, he'll begin another treatment where he'll have to wear a face mask at bedtime only. It has a pad at his jaw and forehead with a metal bar running vertically down his face. This is to push his lower jaw back since he has a class III underbite. I don't think I'll be able to post a photo of the face mask...Joshua will probably not allow it!

He's doing well considering all these new changes. He has a hard time speaking clearly, chewing and swallowing, but he is adjusting and getting better each day. The estimated time for the braces is 9 months. So far so good. No pain, he just complains of the awkwardness.

Here's to a rapid and successful treatment!