Monday, December 31, 2007

Welcome Baby Honda!

On December 30th, Brad and Jovi welcomed their brand new baby girl into the world. Baby Corinne weighed 7 lbs., 3 oz. and was 21 inches long.

Congratulations to Brad and Jovi! We can't wait to meet Corinne!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Big Spoon(ers)

On Saturday, we went to visit our great friends, Steve, Stacy, Kayla and Andrew. We finally had a chance to get together and hang out.

After dinner we headed out to the Big Spoon. What a fun experience! What a great concept! You go in and build your own frozen yogurt sundae. First, you choose your yogurt, then you go to the fudge station, and then to the nuts and candies stations. They have everything from gummy worms to giant sprinkles, chocolate rocks to bubble gum! I think Jayden had vanilla with giant sprinkles, and bubble gum. Joshie had chocolate/vanilla swirl with hot fudge, chocolate rocks, chocolate sprinkles, heath bar bits and whipped cream.
It was fun, yummy, and very affordable. They charge you by the weight of your yogurt concoction. So, for the 8 of us, we paid about $15 total!

Stacy told us that they built one in Rocklin, we've already googled it and know exactly where it is! I guarantee you that we'll be hitting that place soon and often!

Thanks S,S, K and A for the super fun night! Hopefully, we'll be able to hang out again SOON!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


On Friday, I went to visit my really good friend, Kristi, her husband Scott, and her Mom, and met Averie for the first time. Kristi, Scott, and Averie were visiting from New Jersey.

Averie is such a cutie and although she was under the weather, she was still such a sweet and very good baby!

I can't wait to see you guys again!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Gingerbread House

Yesterday, Jayden went over to his friend Jacob's house to make gingerbread houses. It was Jayden, Jacob, Dillon, and Canyon. What a great day it was. The four boys were focused, determined and very patient I may add even when the walls kept falling over.

Not once during the building of their masterpieces did they sneak a taste of anything! All of the Moms were shocked! Just imagine, there were cookies, sprinkles, m&ms, gum drops, marshmallows, sugar, sugar, and more sugar!

After completion of the houses, the boys went off to play and it was unanimous, no one wanted to eat their creation!

Thank you Kerri for inviting us over for such a fun day!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

New Pets

Last weekend Jayden wanted to go look at the pets at the pet store. With Jayden's cat allergy and Joshie's dog allergy we thought we'd be a pet-free family. Not anymore!

The boys both had an interest in getting a fish. So, we ended up with two beta-fish that day.

Jayden named his fish, "MJ" and Joshie's fish is named, "Nash"...duh!!!

So far so good, they are "taking care" of their new pets and giving them extra tlc by talking to them each and everyday.

Jayden is a little more fascinated with his fish than Joshie. He genuinely worries about MJ when we aren't home and wonders if he'll be okay by himself, etc.

So we went from a "pet-free" home to a "2 pet household" complaints here!