Saturday, December 30, 2006

A Time of Giving...

Each year we try and do a little by "giving" to those in need. Usually, we donate some new toys to "Toys for Tots". In addition to this, we wanted do more.

This year we "adopted" a family through a local non-profit organization here in Lincoln called, the Lincoln Lighthouse. It's a resource center that provides a variety of medical, family services, and counseling to those in need.

We adopted the Wren family.They have 5 children (4 boys and 1 girl) from ages 5 to 11 years of age. The Wrens moved to Lincoln recently to get a better life and get away from the "bad" things that they were surrounded by in another city. Unfortunately, unemployed and trying to get back on their feet, they came here with little to nothing. They had no beds for the kids, no microwave oven, and no table or chairs to eat on, etc. They were lacking many of the "necessities" that most of us take for granted like coats for the children.

We were on a mission so, we went out and bought 5 brand new jackets for the kids along with matching caps and gloves. We also thought to ourselves, "what's Christmas without toys?" So, we also purchased age/gender appropriate toys for each child and made sure we knew what their interests were. Toys ranged from an electronic basketball game, Barbies w/houses, a video game, power rangers, and sports. In this spirit of giving,Lance was also able to get his colleagues/friends from his office to donate as well. One family donated and delivered a dining set, food, a new microwave oven and, purchased a special Christmas dinner. Other friends donated clothes, furniture, money, and toys. Our givings created a little "snow-ball effect" and others were happy to help out this family too. How wonderful it was!

This whole experience was a positive one, especially because Joshie and Jayden were a big part of it. We talked about those less fortunate and how sad it must be especially during the winters and holidays. Joshie and Jayden were right there with us picking the jackets and toys and delivering the items to the Lighthouse. Joshie and Jayden were happy to be a part of this and were very excited to give these great things to the Wren family. On another note, Joshie was assigned to write an essay on what he would do if he was Santa Claus....the number one thing he would do in his own words was,"help all the families who could not afford to buy their children

We received a touching thank you card and letter from the Wrens. They were very thankful for our help and gifts and were overwhelmed with everything. Their children were so excited and happy and said that this was the "best Christmas they have ever had!" This is what it's all about. Being able to give to others and help them and knowing that we made a difference in their lives.

We feel truly blessed that we were able to do this and give from our hearts to a family we don't even know. This was also an important lesson for Joshie and Jayden and hopefully this will keep them mindful on how very lucky they/we are and to appreciate all we have.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A Memorable Thanksgiving...

This past Thanksgiving was a memorable one to say the least. It's usually a fun time when the Shigios, our spouses, and families get together to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas (since we don't get to spend Christmas together). It's usually a time where all of the kids and grownups are running around and playing from morning to night. Unfortunately, this year was quite different. When Kevin, Tracy, Emma and Hannah arrived from Denver, the girls were running fevers and apparently had some type of stomach flu/virus. To make a long story short, the virus spread and affected all but my Mom, Joshie, Jayden and Lisa. It was pretty miserable there for a while. Fevers, aches, vomitting and (other things that I won't mention), dehydration, and so on. The worst part was seeing the little ones suffer, especially the ones that are usually full of energy, instead, they were lethargic and practically was awful.

It was especially sad because this was probably the last time that we'd all be together (at least for a while). Donnie, Lisa, Alex and Marisa recently moved to Colorado Springs. The cousins just adore each other and get along so well and usually get to enjoy each other fully, but, because of the illnesses, it just couldn't be done. Who knows this may have even been the last Thanksgiving that we'd be able to spend all together.

There was about a day in a half where we were able to have a little fun. On Thanksgiving day, some of us were getting better and Donnie and family weren't affected by the "bug" yet. On Friday, we were able to go bowling (minus Donnie since he came down with it that morning). By the time we got home, Alex and Marisa came down with the symptoms and worse...experienced dehydration and were taken to emergency!

We can't change anything and we couldn't help what happened but through it all, we can still be thankful for being able to be together and have at least a couple of pretty good days. Afterall, it could have been a lot worse, right?

Hope everyone else had a wonderful "Turkey Day"! Again, this will be a very very memorable Thanksgiving celebration.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Outstanding Academics Award

Joshua received another award for "outstanding academics". Way to go Joshie!

This trimester, he also received his first award for "perfect attendance".

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Stage Fright

Here's Jayden right before his Thanksgiving performance with his class. Notice the little smile? Well, the second picture is just a taste of what came next...stage fright! Could this be? Our future "Chris Daughtry" just couldn't handle the pressure of all of the fans. During the performance he just FROZE! He stared out into the audience and that's about all he did! Poor little fella. Not sure if he's cut out to be a rock star....only time will tell.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Next Belt Test

It's that time again, Joshua has been practicing and waiting for his next belt test. He will be testing for his purple stripe next Wednesday evening. Good luck Joshie!

Happy 43rd Anniversary!

Just wanted to wish my parents a happy anniversary. Hopefully, you two will be able to go and celebrate as soon as Dad gets rid of his cold! Wishing you the best not just today, but everyday! We love you!