Friday, November 10, 2006

Thank A Vet!!

Today is Veteran's, thank you to my brother for serving in Iraq, and thank you to my father for serving in the military.

In my opinion, if you were able to open your eyes today to the freedoms we have here in America, you too should thank a Veteran.

You don't have to support the current War in Iraq, but support those that have bravely volunteered to represent our armed forces.

If you are a Vet and are reading this, "Thank You" also...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Force is strong within you...

This year the boys coordinated their halloween costumes. Joshua was Anakin Skywalker and Jayden was Darth Vader.

Everyone thought that Jayden was the smallest Darth Vader ever! It would've been cute if he chose to be Yoda...but, he wanted to be "Lord Vader" instead. You see, Joshie likes good guys and Jayden likes the bad, Joshie said he was the "good" Anakin before he turned to the "dark side".

They had a great Halloween...parties, haunted houses, and lots of treats, that's for sure!