Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fall Champs

October 1st Champions...Joshua(7th), Cole(8th), Bryson(7th), Junior(8th), JKim(7th), Kyle(8th)

October 8th Champs!  JKim, Joshua, Cole, Kellen (back), Bryson, Jeremy, Jr., Kyle
On October 1st and October 8th, Joshua and a couple of his 7th grade Dawgs played with the 8th grade Dawgs in 4 tournaments.  Of course they had to play in the 8th grade division since it was a combo team.  They played well together and won 2 of the 4 tournaments!

There were some pretty exciting moments to both tournaments.  Joshua hit about 5 three-pointers in each game!  He also started in all tournaments and played the entire game with no rest in one of the championship games!  He said he was fine but "Mommy" was worried that he was going to get dehydrated and exhausted! It's a very physical game to begin with but when Joshua is playing against HUGE defenders, it's tough!

Lance has always told Joshua to always play so that the coach cannot take him that the coach NEEDS him in the game!  That's what he does, and that's exactly what happened! 

We're proud of his hardwork, effort, and drive!  Joshua won't be able to play AAU basketball until winter season because he'll be trying out for his middleschool team this week and they are not allowed to play with any other team or league during their season.  Good luck to Joshua at his try-outs!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Joshua's 12th Birthday

Joshua turned 12 on the 20th of this month.  (He's a young 7th grader as most of his friends/classmates are all 13 or turning 13 this year). 

This year he had a low-key party.  He invited his best friends: JKim, Alex, Bryson, Brendyn,Jashon, Darrell (18), Ryan (16) and later Eric (20+) joined us.  We had a BBQ, the boys swam, played video games, and later headed to Hardwood Palace to play bball and football too!  We got back to our house around 10pm and the boys stayed the night.  It was so much fun for all the boys and a very easy birthday party to plan for!

Joshua has a great group of friends and it was an awesome day/night celebration for him! 

Lake Tahoe Get-Away

On Labor Day weekend, we went to Lake Tahoe over night and stayed at my parent's time share. It was a nice get-away and NO basketball all weekend! The weather was perfect.

We attempted to go crawdad fishing at a spot Lance used to go with his family when he was little. Although there were no crawdads to be found, we all had a great time. The scenery was beautiful and peaceful. Jayden had a blast trying to catch tiny fish with pieces of hotdogs and fishing line. No one thought he'd be able to catch them but he didn't give up.In fact, he actually caught one! It was hilarious!!  

Summer Events...

Summer came and went this year and although we didn't make it back to Hawaii this year, we still managed to keep busy.  I'm a bit behind on blogging so I'll have to catch you all up in one entry to make up for lost time.

In June we hosted our Next Level Summer Basketball camp, and other specialty clinics which was again a postive experience for all involved.

In July, we celebrated Jayden's 9th birthday.  He first said he wanted a party but a few weeks prior to his actual bday, changed his mind and wanted to just go to a special dinner of his choice.  He chose...Olive Garden.  Jayden "scooped" in the gift department, including a sweet pair of black and carolina blue pair of Jordans (from Ami and Papa), a qwerty keyboard cell-phone, dwayne wade headphones, some special Dwayne Wade cards, and some cash.

We FINALLY got to see our friends (Steve,Stacy, Kayla, Andrew and Ry, Annmarie, Toby, and Lia) for a bbq, fun, and good times-(brought along Joshua's buddy, Ja).

Lance and I celebrated our 16th year anniversary! We also celebrated Lance's 41st birthday this summer.

We spent a lot of time in the pool and the boys had a lot of friends over all summer long.  Right before school started, we took a trip to Santa Cruz overnight (see next entry).  This summer went way too fast!! 

Friday, September 02, 2011

A Day Away

From atop the Ferris Wheel. (Dad scared to death...)
Before the kids went back to school, we decided to take an overnight trip to Santa Cruz and the Beach Boardwalk.

We thought it would be a great getaway...and it was.

We stayed overnight at the Scotts Valley Hilton.  Not only was it a great place to stay, but it was only a 10 minute drive to the Boardwalk.

Joshua's "healthy" dinner.

Upon arrival, we checked in and went to eat.  We found our way to the Santa Cruz Diner (featured on "Triple D" TV show).  And ate...well...we ate.  It was definitely a diner...but it was yummy.  They had a MONSTER country fried steak that was great!!!

We made our way back to the hotel, grabbed some dessert and decided to stay in and "catch a flick".  MEGAMIND was the movie of choice.  Dad thought it was funny!

Another pic from atop the ferris wheel.

Joshua eating a deep fried Twinkie

The next day we woke up, had breakfast and checked out and made our way to the Boardwalk.  The weather was great (80's and no breeze), and it wasn't too crowded (it was a Sunday) we got to ride some rides and Joshua had his "dream come true"... A DEEP FRIED TWINKIE!!!

Joshua and Jayden at the Wharf


Me and my lovely wife!

Jayden on the Ferris Wheel with Dad (Smiling at Dad being scared???)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lake Tahoe Tournament

On Friday we drove to Lake Tahoe because Joshua's team entered a tournament.  The team was once again placed in the 7th grade division even though they are still considered a 6th grade team.  The team ended up going 3-1.  In our one loss, we were clearly out matched by size/strength.  There was just no way our boys could keep up with those giants especially since Darren (our 6'0 guy) wasn't with us that weekend.

Here's Lance and Robert playing a friendly game of tether was hilarious how competitive they were and how exhausted they were after only 1 min., and 58 seconds.  They ended up calling it a draw because they just couldn't go any longer!

King's Beach...
At the North Star Resort Village...Andrew found this cart and started pulling the kids around.  Then we all went to Mikuni's for a great dinner!
Even though the boys didn't win the championship, the weekend was such a great experience for us all.  It was a perfect weekend in Tahoe.  It was sunny, warm and beautiful!  We stayed at the Northstar Resort and we were near Incline Village, and Kings Beach.  The boys spent a lot of time together hanging out, having fun, running around, being silly etc.  The families also had plenty of time to enjoy the weekend.  We had meals together, went to the lake, hung out at our pretty 2 story condo, and watched our boys play the game they love.

Getting ready to go parasailing...Joshua, J.Kim, and Alex M. went together, then Terri and Andrew went second.  Alex S. and Jayden went for the boat ride.

What Cute boys! Jayden, Alex S., Alex M., Joshua, J.Kim, & Andrew

On Sunday, after our last game we ended up going to the lake again and a few of the boys went parasailing!  They also splashed around in the lake and rode the water trikes and pedal boats!  It was a great weekend for sure!!
Here they go...
They weren't supposed to get wet but Jayden told the driver to dip them and he did!!
What a beautiful view!
Terri and Andrew

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Next Level Basketball Summer Camp 2011

On the week of June 13th, we hosted our annual Next Level Summer Camp.  We had approximately 100 kids this year.  Another great camp under our belts!  Thank you to all of our coaching staff as we wouldn't be able to run this quality camp without them!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

3 on 3 Tournament Downtown Sacramento

On June 11th,  a few of our boys were entered in the 3 on 3 tournament in downtown Sacramento.  Our boys were representing Surewest and were sponsored to participate.  The boys played 4 games but it was pretty low-key.  The bracketing wasn't put together properly and there weren't very many teams in our age group so they ended up playing each other for a game, they also played against 8th-9th grade girls, and for championship, they were supposed to play their YBA Dawgs Varsity brothers!  So, instead, they mixed up the 6th graders and Varsity players for a friendly game.  They all had a blast!! It was a fun day for all. 

Saturday, June 04, 2011

Another Successful Academic Year

Joshua was on the Principal's Honor Roll each trimester this year again!  We are so proud of him and his academic achievements.  He will be going into the 7th grade in the fall and I still can't believe it!  Junior High.  Wow!

Jayden also received excellent grades although all grades under the 4th grade do not get recognized in the honor roll system.  If they did, Jayden would for sure be recognized as an Honor Roll student as well.

Congratulations to our high achievers! 

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

6th Grade Black-Reno Jam-On-It Memorial Day Tournament 2011

After three schedule changes in three days leading up to the tournament, the YBA DAWGS 6th Grade Black Team ended up in arguably the toughest pool in the D1 Division.

Not ones to shy away from any team, they went into their first game against All City West, a team from Southern California. With a few players getting acclimated to the environment against a very "attack mode" team from the South, the DAWGS were within 3 points at one point of the game. But, a few lapses, while the other team is in attack mode is all it takes to find yourself down by double digits. In the end, the effort from the DAWGS was subpar and they lost the game. Joshua and Alex M. did their best to keep it close with 20 points (6 three pointers) and 10 points, respectively.

The second game of the day was against the D1 All-Stars from the Bay Area. Always a strong team, the DAWGS were down by 14 at half time. The effort was there, but the other team was simply a stronger team. Jashon did his best to rebound for the DAWGS, with 13 rebounds. Joshua led the team in scoring with 12 points. All players gave a valiant effort, but at the end of the day, the defending champion DAWGS found themselves 0-2.

After a small talk about having fun, and playing loose with no pressures, the DAWGS were looking to come back big in their next two games. And boy, did they...

Playing one game on Sunday against the SF Flying Eagles, they played their best game yet. Going back to pressure defense, and working together as a team, they blew the Eagles away. Final score: 83-37. Jashon was clearly the player of the game, with energy on both ends of the court for the entire game. He finished with 7 points, 8 rebounds, 3 steals, 3 assists - BUT had many tipped passes, tipped rebounds, and hustle plays that don't show on the stat sheet. He was clearly the best player on the court. Every player on the DAWGS had their hands in a hustle play of some sort, showing their desire to win the game. Darren (who was not there the first two games) finished with 22 points (9 of 10 from the field, and 10 rebounds), Joshua poured in 17 points (4 3 pointers) and Alex S. chipped in nine points. J. Kim played the point role handing out 6 assists.

The final game on Monday was an early morning 8:00AM game vs. Spirit Got Game. This is a very good team, that the DAWGS had not beaten in the last 3-4 meetings, so the DAWGS came with a goal: WIN THE GAME.

It was a very hard fought game - there were bloody lips, bloody noses and bodies on the floor for loose balls. Spirit played their trademark pressure defense, and forced the DAWGS to move the ball faster and more than they are used to - but the DAWGS adjusted beautifully. The DAWGS found each other cutting to the basket for easy buckets, and found themselves tied at half.

In the second half, they buckled down and again used fabulous teamwork, passing and high basketball IQ, and pulled ahead late in the game. Their defense, as well as their ability to be patient was key. The DAWGS won by 10. It was the best team effort of the tournament, and everyone contributed. Again, Jashon came out with energy on both ends of the court and got his hands in many plays, he ended the game with 11 points (multiple one handed runners), 4 rebounds, 3 steals, 3 assists. Joshua had 22 points (3 3-pointers), Darren and Bryson contributed 12 and 5 respectively, Alex M had 6 points and 6 rebounds. J.Kim did a stellar job handling the ball against aggressive defenders and finding the open man, Conor and Alex S. racked up the "stats that don't show" - like boxing out the big man, hustilng and diving on the floor to keep possessions.

To come back strong as they did, the DAWGS showed that they are a true D1 team and that they belong in that division. We had the unfortunate draw to meet some VERY good teams without a full roster. BUT, no excuses. The boys played well, and the coaches agree that a 2-2 weekend is nothing to be mad about. Most importantly, all of the team had fun hanging out between ball games. It was a good time to relax and strengthen friendships.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

May 21-22 7th Grade Division Champs

Playing in the middle 7th grade division against unfamiliar opponents was going to be a challenge for the DAWGS Black team. Expecting a full squad for the tournament, the DAWGS were confident as always going into the first game against the Ballin' Ambassadors. The DAWGS offense didn't click like it normally does, but their defense picked up the slack and the DAWGS won 58-36.

Playing against the Chico Tarheels in the second game, the game plan was to apply ball pressure everywhere. The defense turned into easy offense, and the DAWGS completely dominated the game. In the end, the DAWGS posted a 70-38 victory.

In the championship game on Sunday against E-Time Hoops, the DAWGS didn't seem to show up against a formidable opponent. Their usually reliable defense was "porous", and their offense was stagnant. In a low scoring contest, the DAWGS needed contributions from everyone to be in the game. They had to fight back from being behind, and their willingness to play scared allowed E-Time to control the rebounds. After a "very quiet" tongue lashing from the coach (coach lost his voice that weekend), the DAWGS dug deep and held on for a 30-29 win.

Overall, it was a good tournament championship for the team. Good momentum going into the Reno tournament and winning while playing a grade up is always fun. The coaching staff is really having fun coaching this great group of boys. They are competitors on the court and friends off it. The coaching staff has been blessed with a talented group of players and can't wait to see the results from Reno!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

April 23rd Tournament Champions in 7th Grade Division

The 6th Grade DAWGS Black team welcomed back Alex Schneider who was out with a knee injury for 3 months. Although Alex was limited in his time, he was glad to be back and the DAWGS were glad to have him back!

In the one day tournament, the DAWGS played in the 7th grade division. Without their "Big Man" in the middle, they knew they would have their work cut our for them early. Facing an E-Time Hoops 7th grade team that beat the DAWGS on a last second 3-pointer weeks back, the DAWGS were ready for the challenge. With outstanding defense and great fundamental boxing out, the DAWGS went up by as many as 20 and ended up winning the game by 13.

The second game of the day was against an unknown Each One Teach One 7th grade team from the Bay Area. The DAWGS were clearly outsized in this match up, and played intimidated early on. The DAWGS found themselves down 14-2 early and things were not looking good. But an adjustment on defense, and with their outside shots heating up, the DAWGS came from behind early to win by 11. As a team, the DAWGS shot 11/24 (45%) from three point range, and used swarming defense to presure their guards into turnovers. Both Keys to their wins.

Beginning the day at 10:00AM, and finally getting to their last game at 6:45PM, the DAWGS had a long day! In what was their Championship game, they faced a very gritty Davis Wildcats 7th grade team. The DAWGS proved they still had some "gas in the tank" and turned up the pressure on the Wildcats. Led by Jashon's 10 points and 13 rebounds, and using all-around great play from every team member, the DAWGS won by 13.

Playing a grade up is physically demanding, and though the DAWGS are overflowing with talent, they worked VERY hard for these wins, and the coaches are very proud of them. We always say we are in preparation for the Reno tournament, and what better way to prepare than beating older, bigger teams? GREAT JOB!!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dawgs Win In 7th Grade Division-March 26-27

Playing in the 7th grade division for the 2nd week in a row, the DAWGS again found themselves playing in a bracket of unknowns. New teams and new players meant it was going to be a fun weekend for the DAWGS.

The DAWGS faced the Reno Ballers 7th grade team the first game and came out strong. Mixing up their defense and using incredible passing and teamwork, the team handled the team from Reno easily for a 70-30 win.

The second game of the day was against E-Time Hoops 7th grade team. Thought the team played an E-Time Hoops 7th grade last week, this was yet another team. Suffocating defense again was the key, and the DAWGS used their strong guard play and beat the E-Time team 61-28.

The Sunday Championship was againt the Folsom Rage. A team that had also "walked" through their first two games. The DAWGS found themselves down eight points early in the game, and it appeared as if it was going to be tough to comeback as the opposition was playing controlled basketball. Switching up the defense, and applying more pressure to push the tempo of the game, the DAWGS began to chip away at the score.

The defense led to easy baskets, and with some key play from the "bigs" inside, the DAWGS were able to take the lead and hold off the Folsom team for a 41-36 win. Our 6th Grade Dawgs went undefeated in the 7th grade division!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Air Jayden

Here he is...Air Jayden!!  The tiniest kid on the floor, the only one in the air!  Here he is pictured playing against 4th graders who tower over him. 

Jayden's idol is Michael "Air" Jordan and in the photo, he almost looks like the famous jumpman logo that is on almost every article of clothing that Jayden owns!

You go Jayden!!!

Triple Threat

 I believe Joshua is a triple threat player: 1...he has a beautiful shot and is known for his 3's!! 2...he has great defense, and super fast feet. 3...he has major "hops"!  He is usually the smallest kid on the floor but jumps the highest!

Basketball Fever Tournament-March 12-13

After one month of not playing, the Dawgs were excited to get back to Hardwood and play some ball!  They faced a couple of teams that they never played before and didn't know what to expect. The outcome was the same as in the previous tourneys as they went 3-0 again.

Dawgs 65 vs. Gladiators 31.  Dawgs 54 vs. Nevada Nets 29.  Dawgs 51 vs. Wolf Pack 30.

In the championship game, Joshua hit 5 3 pointers!  One 3 pointer was so far that the opposing coach thought he was actually out of bounds when he shot it!  He was joking of course, but he couldn't believe how far Joshua shot from and yes, it was nothing but net!!

Great job again!

Hearts and Hoops Tournament February 12-13

Another trophy to add to their collection!  The Dawgs went 3-0 again beating Cal Reign 65 to 16, Folsom Force 61 to 45, and the Predators 44 to 22.

Great job again!

Joshua and Jayden's "Big Brother" Darrell

What can we say about Darrell Polee, Jr.?  He's become such an important person in our household.  He is a Senior in highschool, an extremely talented basketball player, an excellent student, a tremendous role model for our boys, and an outstanding young man in general. 

Joshua and Jayden look up to him and think he's the coolest guys they know!  Darrell has always been so good to both of our boys.  He always has time for them, he always makes them feel special, and is so positive, encouraging and supportive! 

Darrell has a 3.9 GPA and is ranked #1  scorer in the Sac-Joaquin county, 3rd in the State of California, and 20th in the nation with a 31.3 PPG.  He's currently being recruited by multiple colleges! 

We attended many of Darrell's highschool games and at his senior night, we made posters and cheered him on!  It was a lot of fun!  He had his own little fan club-the "Polee Posse"!

We wish Darrell the very best and know he'll go far and accomplish anything and everything he sets his mind to. 

Full Court Press Tournament-January 22, 2011

Joshua's team had another victory at the Hardwood Palace.  They played against the local rivals, the Rocktown Ballers and beat them 66 to 20.  Next they played the Folsom Force and beat them 66 to 31.  The Championship game was against the Hurricanes and they beat them 71 to 32.  Congrats YBA Dawgs Black!!

Jayden and the Kings

Handre, Riley, and Jayden

Jayden getting Demarcus Cousins autograph

At the beginning of the year, Jayden's friend, Riley invited him to go to a Kid's Night event at Arco Arena.  Jayden went with Riley, Handre, and Riley's Dad.  The kids got to shoot around on the King's home court and even got some autographs!  It was a fun night for Jayden and his buddies from his team.  Thanks Zack and Riley for the invite!!