Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Joshie's 8th Birthday Celebration

Last Saturday we took Joshua and a couple of his friends to bowl, play video games, and to eat dinner. After dinner, we brought the boys back to our house for a sleepover. This was the second year that he only wanted a small group to celebrate his special day.
Unfortunately, one of his buddies, (Bryson) got sick and couldn't attend so it ended up being just Joshua, Blake, and Grant (his great b-ball buds).
From the moment they set foot into the house, they ran up to the playroom and played basketball. They literally played up there from about 6 pm until 11pm! Occasionally, they'd come down for water or to play a few minutes of Wii, but would run back up as fast as they could.

It was a pretty simple party this year, but Joshua had a great time with his two pals. He was definitely worn out by Sunday morning! He was practically lifeless! So here's to another successful birthday party for Joshie!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Welcome...Dylan Emily

Congratulations to Kim (Lance's sister), Eric, and Marley and their brand new edition to the family. Dylan Emily was born on September 24th, weighing in at 7 lbs., 6 oz., and 19 1/2 inches long.

We can't wait to meet Dylan!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday

Today is Joshua's 8th Birthday! We're so proud of him and he continues to amaze us with his maturity, sincerity, generosity, intelligence and talent.

We will be celebrating his birthday this weekend. Pictures will be posted later.

Happy Birthday to you Joshie...we love you!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kindergarten Volunteering

Today was my second time volunteering in Jayden's kindergarten class. I will be volunteering every Tuesday this year. So far, it's been a lot of fun. Observing the kids, helping them at their centers and overseeing their daily activities.

Jayden is taking after his big brother and is a very well-behaved and attentive student. There are some kids that do need some extra attention and I'm glad I'm there to help where I'm needed.

I absolutely love Jayden's teachers and I am fully enjoying being able to be a part of his kindergarten experience.

Next month, I will attend his field trip to the Bishop's Pumpkin Farm and we're looking forward to that as well.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Successful Surgery

Thank you all for your prayers, concerns and well wishes. Lance's Mom had a successful surgery on Friday. After 6 long hours, the doctors removed parts of her pancreas, small intestines, and stomach. They did find cancer in there along the way but were able to remove it all, thank goodness! She is in good spirits. We saw her on Saturday and Sunday and her only major complaint was the fact that she was starving! She's still on I.V. and could only have ice chips! Her first request for a solid food is a french dip with cheese!

Hopefully, she will be home by Friday.

Thank you again for all of your prayers. The power of prayer is amazing!!

Please continue to keep her in your prayers and also, please keep Lance's Dad in your thoughts and prayers as well. Thank you!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Please pray for Lance's Mom...

Tomorrow, Lance's Mom will be having part of her pancreas removed. A few weeks ago, she was unable to keep her food down and was extremely itchy. After a number of tests, her doctor found a growth on her pancreas. She will be in the hospital for approximately 8 days and her total recovery time will be approximately 6 weeks.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for an easy surgery and a healthy and quick recovery. Thank you!

Purple Belt

A few weeks ago, Joshua took his Purple Belt test. Last night, he received his purple belt! Congratulations to our Purple belt master! In just one session, he was taught his new form for brown stripe and he was able to perform it by memory by himself! A very impressive accomplishment. Each belt that he advances, becomes so much more difficult and he did extremely well! It has almost been two years since he started Taekwondo and he's not even 8 years old yet! Joshua continues to impress and amaze us in everything he does! We're so very proud of him again!